Number of adults registering on this form.
Adult registration is $20 per person. Please type the number of adults in the QUANTITY field.
Price: $20.00
T-shirts and sizes
Each adult will receive one t-shirt. Please indicate sizes and quantities below.
Please enter the names of all adult registrants below, one name per line:
Number of children registering on this form.
Child registration is $10 per person. Please type the number of children in the QUANTITY field.
PLEASE NOTE: Toddlers may participate for free, but will not receive a t-shirt. If a t-shirt is desired, please enter as a child.
Price: $10.00
T-shirts and sizes
Each child will receive one t-shirt. Please indicate sizes and quantities below.
Please enter the names of all child registrants below, one name per line:
Please enter the names of all toddler registrants below, one name per line:
Questions or comments:


Please enter the following for the person paying the registration fees. Your payment will be processed securely via Stripe, using your regular credit or debit card!
Please provide a method of contact in case we need to reach you.
Total Due:
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.