The NNY 2021-2022 grant was awarded to St. Lawrence Central Middle School in Brasher Falls, NY. St. Lawrence Central Middle school will be opening a new classroom for children with Autism in the Fall of 2022. Since this will be the first year of existence for this beautiful classroom, we could not find a more deserving recipient. The funds were used to purchase furniture, dividers, educational programs, sensory equipment and much more. Thank you for all you do, keep up the good work!
Picture (from left to right): Katherine Lavigne (CSE Administrator), Mark LaFave (Vice-President of TPPF), Chris Rose (Superintendent),
Past Grant Recipients
2019:Norwood-Forfolk Figure Skating club
2017 and 2018: SLC Elementary School
2016: Norwood-Norfolk Speech-Language Department
2015: Lincoln Elementary School (Ogdensburg, NY)
2016 Northern NY Grant Recipient

Norwood-Norfolk Central School District was the winner of the 2016 Northern New York Grant. $1500 will be used by the Speech-Language department to upgrade equipment and purchase new programs. Congratulations Norwood-Norfolk!

2015 Northern NY Grant Recipient

Lincoln Elementary School was the winner of our 2015 Northern New York Grant. $1500 was awarded in order to upgrade classroom supplies and technology. Congratulations Lincoln Elementary!
Right: Max is using his new iPad and Communication App in order to verbally request his desires at lunch time. Way to go Max!

Grant dates and application deadlines are to be determined. Please check back shortly.
If you are interested in applying for a grant to benefit your students with ASD, please fill out the application below. Upon receipt of your information a member of our team will contact you to verify your status as an eligible recipient and discuss your particular needs.Grant dates and application deadlines are to be determined. Please check back shortly.
Who is eligible: Any teacher and/or service provider who directly serves a child or children with autism.
***We strongly suggest typing your responses on a separate document as you will not be able to save your progress. Copy and paste your answers into the text boxes. You can also e-mail a electronic copy of the application to mlafave@thepuzzlepiecefoundation.org
Thank You!
All fields are required.